Girl, you've been gone away a real long time...

First things first - it is absolutely imperative that I hex, curse, and try to destroy whoever "Jennifer" is on my email that has the subject "COLLEEN - your poem won, no way :)" Yes, because I write so much poetry, I finally cracked the grass ceiling previously set by Whitman and Frost. Thank God, I finally won! No way! :)! (The real amusing part here is that I'm banging on the keys like a moron, thinking that my sarcasm & anger will seep through into the entry).

Next! On Saturday night, I went to a little shindig at Ragin' Shrimp for the birthday of a lass I work with. I had downed 2 lovely bottles of Newcastle by the end of the dinner, and that's the only good thing I can say about the place (not impressed was I!). It was grease-o cajun with no flavor, just a sort of kick in the pants at the end of a mouthful. Schmeon and I started getting the old bumbly-jumbly in the stomach when it was time to hightail it out of there and drink ourselves senseless at home. So, a couple of the regulars (Blondie, SB & her man, Cokebomb, Shaba, Mandy & his friend Martin, and the Spanish Crusaders) joined ol' Schmeon and I for boozarific good times. I of course felt like hell and high water was rising in my stomach all evening (damn cajun!) and ended up missing parts of all the akshun.

Last night, Schmeon and I tried Zoolander on for size (by the way, my international model name is "Mex Sundays"), which I found terribly, terribly amusing since I do like Owen Wilson (unlike my absurdity in this entry), and I do love me some cameos. But it wasn't laugh-out-loud funny. Tonight, we watch Jimmy Stewart in Harvey (well this is weird). We have become an obsessive duo over the movie - I can see it written all over our faces, glimmer in our eyes, and poop itself out with Grand Master Flash's attention to detail. Ahhh yes! We will watch the movie, revel in our badness, and slurp slurpees with fantastic speed! I will do my laundry simultaneously! We will be... the MOST EXCITING PEOPLE ON THE PLANET! WOOOOOOO!

Bjork is coming to America! Bjork is making like Eddie Murphy and coming to America! Bjork is making like a poor huddled mass and coming to America! Whooooppeeeee!

Good news people! The uber-cough might be kicked out of bed soon enough! I might have a decent, little-kid voice again! Coupled with my altruism and good behavior awards, we might just win this thing!!!

2003-04-07 | 12:27 p.m.

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