I am so bored! I am so bored! I have no legs! I am so bored!

You know, I was thinking of my newly-named Schmeon this morning, and how it should probably be spelled "Schmian" but I think it's too late - "Schmeon" it shall stay!

I am one of those nutty people that won't touch my face unless I am (a) picking at it or (b) washing, drying, and lotioning it. I thought of this as well, you see, as I was walking to work/school. If I do touch the face, it's going to be a cheek, and I'm going to touch it like I'm trying to pet a wild fawn. It's ridiculous. When did all this hoohaa happen? I think if other people try to touch my face, I do the backwards swerve, and then the duck. This could be a serious affliction. I could be absolutely crazy. No touching the face! Please - no touch of the face!

I have never seen i am sam, nor do I feel like it is my duty to see it. I think people like New Line Cinema take on projects such as "i am sam" and just want to make people (like me) cry, cry, cry all the way home. I don't like it! I don't like it one bit! I have to be overly selective in my movie choices just so I won't cry! It's ludicrous, really - me crying at commercials, movies, tv shows... what is this? WHAT IS THIS SALTY DISCHARGE!?!

Dr. Connie Cobb, to the rescue: do not buy the Preservision vitamin for macular degeneration until you actually have it - it's just a bunch of vitamin A & vitamin E. I think at this point, most of us would just be overdosing on vitamin A, which results in stringy limbs and loss of the spleen or something. You have been forewarned.

So, in the quest to become a fully-facilitated human being, I was beckoned by a life insurance company this morning regarding a resume I'd turned in. I had turned in no resume, so I'm not calling them back, and also - what the hell is up with that? Calling at 8 in the morning? I didn't even turn in my resume to these fools! FOOLS! But I haven't heard anything from my beer choices deluxxx, although ol' Sam Adams himself told me that they review things for ten days. Hmm. I wonder if Sam Adams hangs out with other prominent historical figures, such as the Easter bunny and St. Pauli's Girl. I wonder if St. Pauli's Girl is hiring...

If you guys hear of any wicked jobs involving Stoli, tell me first.

2003-04-08 | 11:54 a.m.

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