You knock me offa ma feet, bay-beee (heee heeeee) - ma lonely days are gone!

Word of the Day for Tuesday February 11, 2003:

spurious SPYUR-ee-uhs, adjective: 1. Not proceeding from the true or claimed source; not genuine; false. 2. Of illegitimate birth.

It's Oscar time! It's Oscar time! Who peed their pants in anticipation!!! Not me! Not me!!!

The Big I and I (hee!) went and saw Adaptation last night, and I must say I was pleased. Not just because I was with the Big I, but also in the grand scheme of the damn movie. I was not, however, pleased with Joe Millionaire's shitty, shitty turn of events in which they RESOLVED NOTHING! Anyway, I did like Adaptation - I thought Nicolas Cage was much more Peggy Sue Got Married rather than some of his nasty roles, like City of Angels (there's a part in City of Angels where he bites his lip and nods when he & Meg Ryan are doin' the bone-jiggly that makes me want to puke all over his hairy chest. What's especially amusing here, you ask? Well, it's that twice I typed "Angles" instead of "Angels" - it's an angel who desperately wants to be a geometry teacher!!! He has fallen in love with geometry! How does this pear feel to you?). Long story short, I liked Mr. Cage in Peggy Sue Got Married, and I liked him in Adaptation.

I wonder if Nicolas Cage is the new Kevin Bacon (I'm constantly looking for the new something - the "new black," the "new coffee", etc.). He is related to the Coppola's - thus his involvement in Peggy Sue, directed by Francis Ford Coppola, and his involvement in Adaptation because it's directed by Spike Jonze (love love Spike Jonze right now), who is married to Sofia Coppola ("I want to be Sofia Coppola!" I proclaimed last night)... He was married to an Arquette (God only knows which one - and wasn't he also engaged/married to Lisa-Marie?) - which opens the door to David Arquette, which goes to Friends, and then to Brad Pitt, and then to - I mean, Jesus - will this ever end???

My First Will & Testament

To the Big I, I bequeath my intangible neuroses that creates some sort of obsessive disorder in which pulling, tugging, and breaking-off hair are involved. This is my most important & most fanatical trait, thus... you are the big winner in this jackpot o' love.

To Colin, I bequeath the egoiste that requires you to write about me every, every minute (that's a gank from "Our Town," and on that note, I am embarrassed for quoting a play). Anyway, either you write about me or you give me the answers to Slipknot!!!

To meiner Schwester, Laura-lie Cherry-pie, I leave... well, I mean, what do you people want from me at this point? I just wanted to give shot-outs, and now I'm leaving people things? Is that all I am to you? Are you waiting for me to die? Just sitting, waiting? Is that it!?! Think you're going to get lucky???

If anyone hears of a good job for recent art history grads that don't want to necessarily get their PhD yet, you let me know - will relocate for food.

2003-02-11 | 10:55 a.m.

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