Vague Description of Last Night

Ack! Someone googled "Caught wearing aunt's panties" and they were redirected to this entry. Ahhhh! If only we could see this bizarre culprit for who he/she really is - then we could laugh, point, stare, and overall ridicule the holy horsepoop loving shit outta 'em!
Last night I think there was dancing, there was definitely shot-taking, and peeps started shit-talking like you would not believe. Shit-talking about what, you ask? Well, certain preoccupations in my life were set up for scrutiny, as well as people were insulted and basically hung out to dry by their "friends."
But, as Joe so kindly put, friends or brothers? Brothers always trump the friends. Shoulda remembered that.

2005-07-30 | 12:08 p.m.

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