Mid-morning Chat

ColleenLqr: si vaya conmigo
si vaya conmigo: que pues, puta
ColleenLqr: I knew you were going to call me puta
ColleenLqr: jerk
si vaya conmigo: jerkette
si vaya conmigo: what's up, Cobb?!!!!!!!!!
ColleenLqr: Workin' bitches!
ColleenLqr: It
ColleenLqr: is nice to be in...
ColleenLqr: uh..
si vaya conmigo: you did not know i was gonna call you puta
ColleenLqr: air conditioning
ColleenLqr: No, I really did - for some reason I typed "si vaya conmigo" and then I imagined us having a whole conversation in spanish and how my workmates would be impressed as we called each other "puta"
ColleenLqr: then I thought about that movie - Y Tu Mama Tambien
ColleenLqr: PUTA
si vaya conmigo: cosmic, cobb... absolutely cosmic
si vaya conmigo: (seriously...)
ColleenLqr: I know
ColleenLqr: We're lovers, not fighters
si vaya conmigo: we love to fight
ColleenLqr: We fight to love!
ColleenLqr: Love is a battlefield!
si vaya conmigo: my pecker ist doth mine sword
si vaya conmigo: (that was disgusting and innappropriate)
si vaya conmigo: .. i'm sorry.. let's not fight
ColleenLqr: Uhhh
ColleenLqr: DIrty
ColleenLqr: How's the new job? Heard anything?
si vaya conmigo: nope, not yet.
si vaya conmigo: in time, young yoda.. in time
si vaya conmigo: but don't worry.. i'll CLANG CLANG CLANG when it happens
ColleenLqr: CLANG
ColleenLqr: My student loan for next semester was approved
ColleenLqr: YEEHAW
ColleenLqr: Goal for the summer:
ColleenLqr: Wanna see Shakespeare in the Park sometime?
si vaya conmigo: yeah.. .sure. i've never dided that before.
ColleenLqr: Yeah, me neither
ColleenLqr: You don't sound too excited
ColleenLqr: How about we just go to the park one day
ColleenLqr: You can fall asleep and I'll bring my cymbals
ColleenLqr: We'll put on a show for passerbys
si vaya conmigo: aww..
si vaya conmigo: you mean you would let me peacefully fall asleep on the lawn..
ColleenLqr: We could earn some serious money with your adept facial expressions
si vaya conmigo: and then smash cymbals in my ears?
si vaya conmigo: how sweet of you
ColleenLqr: I'll put a little witch's brew bucket out so we can cash in on your discomfort
si vaya conmigo: i have some cymbals you can borrow
si vaya conmigo: we can quit our jobs
ColleenLqr: I have some cymbals I keep up YOUR ASS
si vaya conmigo: "MAMMA, feed us!"
si vaya conmigo: (I love that)
ColleenLqr: I know
ColleenLqr: My kidneys were yelping this weekend
ColleenLqr: I had to tell them - Mamma ain't got no fuckin' money, bitches
ColleenLqr: They cried until they fell asleep
si vaya conmigo: hahahahhhhaaaa...
ColleenLqr: Shut it!
ColleenLqr: You're laughing at my babies!
si vaya conmigo: i love your kidney personification stories
ColleenLqr: I know you do. You see - that's the difference between me and other alcoholics
ColleenLqr: Other alcoholics are like - "Oh my liver"
ColleenLqr: "Holy shit my liver"
ColleenLqr: etc.
ColleenLqr: They forget that the kidneys are the first to go
si vaya conmigo: haha.. not you, though
ColleenLqr: The kidneys are the screaming little bundles of joy
ColleenLqr: that precurse (precurse?)
ColleenLqr: the destruction of the big mamma jamma
si vaya conmigo: ColleenLqr (10:45:39 AM): I had to tell them - Mamma ain't got no fuckin' money, bitches
ColleenLqr (10:45:47 AM): They cried until they fell asleep
ColleenLqr: You really did enjoy that, didn't you
ColleenLqr: On Thursday, my friend Will and I personified tumors
si vaya conmigo: hell yeah.. i just picture them..
ColleenLqr: That was a goodtime
ColleenLqr: you pictured little beans in bonnets, didn't you
ColleenLqr: That's what I picture
ColleenLqr: KIDNEY beans, of course
si vaya conmigo: yeah.. pretty much...
ColleenLqr: crying with those cartoon tears jettisoning out of tiny closed slits
si vaya conmigo: with little cartoon arms and hands that are reaching forward... as if there's a baby bottle w/ jameson in it
ColleenLqr: I'm just using any words now
ColleenLqr: A baby bottle with Jameson!
si vaya conmigo: for some reason i picture the kidneys in a basket... w/ a padded kind of checkered (or some old timey baby pattern) lining...
ColleenLqr: Like that Donald Duck episode where he's in the weird museum of robotic things
si vaya conmigo: i don't know this episode, Cobb.
si vaya conmigo: sorry
si vaya conmigo: northside...
ColleenLqr: please hold
ColleenLqr: Anyway, it's a really old Donald Duck in which he goes to this museum full of weird robotically controlled things that help people out -like shoe shiners, and take-care-of-the-baby machines
ColleenLqr: It's really weird
ColleenLqr: For some reason, it left a wild impression on me
ColleenLqr: I think it's from... like post-WW2 but pre-Vietnam
ColleenLqr: I have to copy this and post it in my diary

2005-06-06 | 11:07 a.m.

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50s people