We's gonna be taking a break for about 2 weeks...

Besides the fact that I have been stumped & befuddled by what exactly orange oil is - is there oil in an orange regularly? How did they make the orange oil? I am as equally confused by this. How exactly did Connie Cobb's brother bleed to death in front of his children in a park? Was he shot? Was he suffering from some terminal illness? Was he inflicted with the stigmata? Astigmatism? Sympatico? And why is it important to know that they are not Christians? Does this mean he slit his wrists in front of the kiddies in a park? Who decides to take their kids to the park and kill themselves? Better off, I say!

This weekend proved to be one in which I fluffed the thought of the gym. God, how I hate the gym. I really do. Not only is it just too far away, its just too far away, and ain't nobody wanna drive that far.

Methinks Eliza is in H-town... Are you Eliza?

2003-12-22 | 9:09 a.m.

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