Am I a control freak? WELL? AM I?

I took this quiz, and my score of being a control freak is the following:


Your Score is: 1 of 7

0 - 2 Points:

You're strangling your relationship!

Calling all the shots and getting exactly what you want all the time does not make for a good partnership! If you keep your controlling ways up, your man is going to start feeling like you're more of a mother than a lover -- and chances are, he'll leave you. Relinquish control and let him breathe; you'll like yourself -- and him -- a whole lot more if you do. Read on for more love advice.

Dammit, I knew I was an awful lot like Monica Gellar. Scroggs - I demand that you take the quiz & tell me what you get!

2003-12-09 | 12:37 p.m.

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