Tomorrow is Halloween!

Numero uno, muchachos - numero uno! I am one of those commie-bastards that insists upon being uber-nice to:

(a) the mailman

(b) the Culligan water man

(c) the plant lady

(d) the cleaning lady

(e) all of the above

It's all of the above - you can quit saying "It's gotta be the plant lady! It's just gotta!" I'm one of those people that sucks up to the wrong crowd. Do you smell what I'm steppin in? It's like I'm subconsciously anticipating the workers UNITE! uprising or something.

So I am down to no money (but I've got a car & a woman, so there I'm not - for all you Young MC fans out there), Smartypants has been in China for a month of Sundays, and I couldn't wash my hair this morning because I woke up at 7 or something ridiculous like that. So I kind of smell like a horse - albeit clean, but still horsey.

TOMORROW IS THE GRANDEST DAY OF THE YEAR. NOT ONLY DO WE GET TO ENGORGE OUR UNMENTIONABLES WITH CANDY, BUT WE ALSO GET TO DRESS UP AND ENGORGE OUR UNMENTIONABLES WITH CANDY. I want to keep repeating "engorge our unmentionables with candy" because it doesn't make much sense & it sounds filthy.

I'm so sick of work. So, so sick of work I want to scream. I passed out at lunch because I was sooo sleepy I couldn't take it any longer, so I slept through the 2nd installment of Roseanne Halloween episodes. Who here is a Roseanne fan, because good crappenzimmer that show has grown on me like a wart at Christmas! I haven't seen the Reality Roseanne show - but I'm curious about it. Was it cancelled? Why couldn't I stay awake to see what the hell happened at the end of the show this afternoon? Should I start a Roseanne fan club (I'm only kidding)... it's funny, though - we weren't allowed to watch her show growing up because my parents didn't like her & we only had 1 TV. We always had to watch Home Improvement and Quantum Leap and other shows that sucked a fat one (although, I sort of like Quantum Leap in retrospect, and I do like making hologram jokes)...

So back to Roseanne - her first ex and his new wife are her personal assistants? Hee hee hee.

2003-10-30 | 2:10 p.m.

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