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Today is already so stupid I should just go home and call it. Not only did I wake up in some sort of absurd frenzy this morning, throw my alarm clock across the room and break it, I also reversed right into my roommate's car. Nobody was hurt, no car was even scratched, save for my lone alarm clock which must really hate me now. The thing was all popped out, with its electronic guts spewing forth bile, vile, and impenetrable sex! Yes! That's right - IMPENETRABLE SEX!

So I have to go to the crackpot tooth-doctor at 5pm today so they can tell me that I'm incompetent at dental care, and then Scrogg & I are going to the State Fair to see the people-circus & eat caramel apples (Schmeeds will partake in funnel cake). I've never been to the State Fair. I have also never been to the Albuquerque Zoo.

This weekend was something else, I tell you what. Joe & I braved the new world alone downtown, in which not only did I talk to a homeless man about his straying Rotweiler, I was also called Nicole Kidman by a bunch of drunken New Zealanders. Joe's friends were trying to lose some drrrty boys, I ordered a Framboise Lambic, and the line for the men's bathroom extended down the hall & no one was in the women's bathroom. What an odd, odd night. Yesterday, we made an assload of fajitas (chicken & steak) and mes parents came down for din-din a la Cobb, Scrogg, G-loc, and Joe. Right before I got all kinds of wonky excited about cutting up bell peppers, I discovered A DISGUSTING TEQUILA WORM LIVING IN MY BELL PEPPER. It was kinda curled up, staring at me through its crook-eye. So, now that I've blocked that out - we had a good time, although I was wicked tired. Scrogg left & when he returned, it was midnight & I was nestled all snug in my bed. (Which leads us up to today - breaking of alarm clocks, running into G-loc's car, recap of weekend).

I want a hot dog.

2003-09-15 | 9:42 a.m.

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