Put yo' thang down flip it & reverse it.

I hate my hair. I seriously hate my hair. I also hate the fact that my goddamn Ivy CD hasn't arrived yet, and I ordered it on 27 August (mistyped as "Auguts" at first - which I thought made an interesting noise for a minute there until I realized that I was in the middle of a post-adolescent selfish rant).

I cancelled my dentist appointment for this morning & they told me I needed to, in the future, give 24 hours notice. Isn't it odd that so many of the things we pay for end up dictating and screwing with our lives? Take, for example, said dentist. I can cancel whenever the hell I want - I'm paying for it. I pay his salary. I pay his kid's tuition to college. I pay for the big oafish-roafish turkey that sits on his dining room table at Thanksgiving while his wife says that one day, she will give to charity, but not this year, Mr. Brian K. needs a new BMW. Another example: professors. Also - paying their salary. I should get a friggin frackass A just because I'm sweltering out $5000 a year just to attend that rathole. And that does not include the piss-poor student employment salary I had to endure for 5 years, as well as constant stress from exams and papers and fuckwitted TAs. I don't understand why so much of what we pay for is not even determined by us - it's determined by who we're paying. I don't get it. But I do know that I have never agreed more with George Castanza than in the episode of "Seinfeld" in which he tells the PT that he needs 24 hours advance notice before she can cancel the appointment. Boo. Yeah.

Stupid thing #1 that I've seen today: A huge Dodge Ram (white) emblazoned with a rippling American flag, painted all the way down the length of the truck, and a huge airbrushed eagle on the back. It's license plate was "777777" - which makes no sense to me, but that redneck must love 7s, who knows. Perhaps they wanted to celebrate a big win at the casino while praising God & Jesus as well. Hell, maybe I'd be more friendly if I won something once in a while. Otherwise, if it's not a prize, and they painted that stupid truck of their own volition, they should be shot & pissed upon for being idiotic.

Maybe something exciting will happen towards the end of the day...

2003-09-11 | 10:12 a.m.

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