Holy mic-meister, batman!

Ok, seriously - I am having issues with the profile/favorite diaries thing. It's so stressful - thinking up clever things about other people, and then sometimes they get offended, and then sometimes you get offended by yourself, and it's one big mess. I am refraining from comments at this time. If you are/would like to be on my favorite diary list, please sign my guestbook with whatever comment you'd like about yourself. If you fail to do this task, you fail the class! You get no comment! I'm sure nobody gives a royale rat's ass!

Yo yo yo! So, here's the star-spangled banner of the mizzity mizzo f'in biatch surprise of the year 2003 - especially to all those lovers out there. I TOLD MY PARENTS ABOUT MY XXXTREME CREDIT CARD DEBT.

Boo. Yeah.

And with no further adieu, I must say that it went well, and that I have never felt lighter in. my. whole. life.

In related news, I just signed up at a different gym to escape a stalker, will be payin' for health insurance in November, and need another job to pay for said health insurance, said credit cards, and said gym. Not to mention, food, toiletries, art supplies, and looking fabbbbulous. While I might be illustrating a book soon, it's definitely not for certain.

Y'all keep it real.

2003-08-18 | 10:15 a.m.

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