
Hello, my name is Tom; how are you today? This might be the most important e-mail you ever receive. YOU WILL NOT REGRET READING THIS!!! Don't worry, it won't cost you a dime because i'm not selling anything. I DON'T WANT ANY MONEY FROM YOU. I just want to ask you a question.... IF YOU DIED TODAY, WHERE WOULD YOU SPEND ETERNITY? I'm sure you know that everybody who ever walks the earth will go to either Heaven or Hell. There is no 3rd option!!!!!!!!! On Sept. 11th of last year during the terrorist attacks, approximately 3000 people unexpectedly met their fate. Only God truely knows where these people went. We would like to think that all of them went to heaven. But realisticly, some, if not many, did not. The Bible says there is only ONE path to heaven; not several. That one path has a name: Jesus Christ. Therefore, only believers in Jesus Christ go to heaven. That means you must accept Jesus Christ as your one and only GOD sometime before you die or else. Don't procrastinate and assume you will live to a ripe old age. You can be removed from this planet at any time. Just like those poor souls that were taken on Sept. 11th.....I'm sorry, but if you are any other religion or an atheist, you won't spend eternity in heaven. This belief is not based on arrogance but many years of research. In this time i have read close to 100 books on the Bible and Bible prophesy. I know what i am talking about in this area. If you believe the Bible is the word of god than you better believe me!!!!.........Here's an interesting fact: over 95% of all the prophecy's in the Bible have already happened. And every one has come true to 100% accuracy. That last 5% talks mainly about the end of the world (rapture, tribulation, other end-time events)........Trust me, we are very close to the END..........There's a reason why anti-christian groups around the U.S. and World can't discredit the Bible. Because God wrote it and God is never wrong. It is the inspired WORD OF GOD..Whatever the Bible says is going to happen, will happen. There's nothing we can do about it..... Let me clarify something; it is a true statement that God wrote the Bible. But he used men to actually do the writing. In other words, those men (John, Luke, Mark etc..) physically sat down somewhere and wrote their part of the Bible. God actually told or showed them EXACTLY what to write. TRUST ME, every word in the Bible was approved by God. I hope that clears it up a bit..........If you already know for a fact that you are a saved CHRISTIAN and going to heaven, than disregard this e-mail. Please don't be offended; i am just trying to point people in the right direction. At the bottom of this letter are links i found on the net. They will tell you exactly where you are going( if you don't already know). They are FREE websites and only a few pages long. They get right to the point and can answer most of your questions. REMEMBER THIS: YOUR LIFE ON EARTH IS A DROP IN THE OCEAN COMPARED TO YOUR ETERNAL LIFE.... ACCEPTANCE OF CHRIST WILL GET YOU INTO HEAVEN. REJECTION OF CHRIST WILL GET YOU INTO HELL. TRUST ME, HELL IS NOTHING BUT PAIN AND SUFFERING, YOU DON'T WANT TO SPEND ETERNITY THERE!!!!!!!!!! If you get a chance, watch the 700 Club T.V. show with Pat Robertson. I think it's on the Family channel. Also, i just read two of the most incredible books ever. They were written by a Christian pastor, Mary K. Baxter. They are, "A Divine Revelation of Heaven" and "A Divine Revelation of Hell"..... Incredible details about life in heaven and hell. Read them if you get a chance.. Thanks for reading, good luck and god-speed........


I'd like to thank Eliza for sending me some heeeeeelarious spam.

2003-08-18 | 2:46 p.m.

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