Keep on rockin in the free world...

Dear Taco Cabana,

I really do love you. I haven't been seeing that other guy, Taco Sal, anymore. I still find you very attractive - would you like for me to seduce you? Is that what you're trying to tell me?

Taco Sal means nothing to me. They may smother their burritos in green chile & ground beef, but you. You, Taco Cabana - you have Rotisserie Chicken, Barracho Beans (which I thought meant "drunk") and Fajitas that taste like the saltiest, softest beef jerky of all time. Your tortillas are fluffy - not really light, but almost gummy, and your nachos remind me of a time when I was buying Nachos at Hobbs High.

It's you, Cabana. It's always been you. Love, Cobb

Dear Taco Sal,

I told Taco Cabana we were ending it, but I can't end it. Not now. Not after trying your crispy, pan-fried potatoes. Not after indulging in your succulent chicken burrito. And especially not after eating your green chile - mixed with ground beef - OH THE BEST OF BOTH WORLDS, HOW DO YOU DO IT TACO SAL!

I love you, but I've promised myself to Cabana. I cannot keep on like this, but I must.

I hope you understand. Love, Cobb

Dear Ortega's,

Neither Taco Sal nor Taco Cabana know of you. You - you have pan-fried potatoes that are also, to die for. Your beans - so nice! Your chicken - so tender! And you are "Healthy Mexican" - I LOVE YOU MOST OF ALL. Love, Cobb

2003-07-18 | 3:32 p.m.

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