Little lambs apparently eat ivy, but I don't know the rest of that rhyme, despite what Schmeon says.

Yo yo ma!

Well, I have quite a heavy load on my back today - regarding the foremost, prominent issue of that hip-hop jingle for the Pirates of the Caribbean/McDonald's commercial. WHY IS THERE A HIP-HOP JINGLE. WHY. IT MAKES NO SENSE. SHOULDN'T THEY HAVE FIDDLY-DOO MUSIC AND LOTS OF MEN YELLING? I think they should have men yelling, and water splashing, and women screaming, and parrots cawing. Not the weird hip-hop. It just doesn't make any sense.

"Dear Claudia" is stuck in my head right now. Has anyone else heard this song? It sounds like some swoony boy-voiced song I would have tried to marry with my Cure-esque room in high school. Seriously. It's like, reinvented Nada Surf, or Geggy Tah. It's shite, is what it is. It's Pop Shite. And what isn't, really, but hot damn I can't stand when I hear music that is definitively adolescent. It's irritating to know that all the hoohaa I pulled in the teenage years was that cliched. Dear Claudia, You should try to write a different song with some block-rockin beats. Love, Cynical and Bloated Connie Cobb.

I'm so hungry! I'm so cold! I'm hungry and cold! Jesus! Why can't I go to lunch - I'm so hungry! Why is it 50 degrees in the fax room? WHy haven't I seen "Office Space" yet? WHY CAN'T I GO TO LUNNNNCCCCCCCCHHHHHHH?

2003-07-17 | 12:24 p.m.

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