I know you! I walked with you! Once! Upon! A! Dream!

My horoscope for today: PISCES: Saturday May 24 -- Carpe diem and figure out a method for promptly taking advantage of random changes to your best-laid work, romantic or health/fitness/diet plans rather than trying to find someone to berate or blame for these "coincidental disruptions." In case you were wondering, these are just what the doctor ordered, evidence of which should be forthcoming shortly.

Well. That is fancy pants. And in true Schmeon fashion, I should analyze it and figure out what the hell the cosmos is trying to tell me - but I'd much rather peel the skin off my nose and navigate this mother towards the North Pole.

In related news, I told many employers that I was practically fluent in French and German (practically fluent in every way), and Shaba just told me that Dr. Seuss went to Oxford. I also watched Amelie for the first time last night, and what a fantastically delightful film.

It's off to find some sort of stinkbomb job... la vie est gentile.

2003-05-24 | 1:10 p.m.

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