She's not a girl who misses much...

Interestingly enough, that line in Polythene Pam is actually "She's so good looking but she looks like a man." And I thought I was being clever.

I know it's weird, but the Quaker Chewy Granola bar in Chocolate Chip totally tastes like ice cream to me. I eat it in full defiance of actual ice cream, which makes my stomach blow up from the milkfat. HA! TAKE THAT YE, CREAMY DESSERT! (By the way, the Quaker Snacktime Pan is not working at this time - do not attempt to try it. It only goes up to age 12 anyway.)

I saw a car wreck this morning, at the intersection of Central & University. This is the 2nd car wreck I've seen happen there. I get seriously wigged out by watching a car wreck happen. It's much worse than coming up on one - we all do that. But this has the screeching, the big collision noise - very disturbing. I guess everybody was ok, though.

Apres a mon apartment? Les chiens! A driote et au gauche!

The f'ing bookstore has decided that I should be entering all the back-to-school orders before I leave - which is in one week from today. Long story short (too late) - this mother has been pumping stone cold hugeass orders, my darlings. HUGEASS IS NOW ONE WORD. I dare you to spite me and make it two words. I dare you!!! And speaking of being gainfully employed, I might have an interview zum Montag, y'all! Whooopeeee!

Mmm. I'm gonna go get a Quaker chewy granola bar. MMMMMM.

2003-05-09 | 12:33 p.m.

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