Buuttttttt rock!

OH MY GOD. It took me almost 2 freakin' frackass hours this morning to get ready. That is unacceptable and I am thoroughly pissed off at myself. And NOW - to top it all off, me & typing just don't get along. We just don't. There's typing, and then there's me - and we will never have a repoire in the same fashion that we used to have. What am I discoursing about - nobody knows!!! Nobody knows - nobody knows...

Well, Alex and Javier, it was quite the pleasantry to see ye twoeth within yar hee ole UNM Bookstore. As for me & my house, we shall serve the Lord - what did I put in the pasta at lunch? Mickeys? Did I slip myself a mickey?

I don't know if anyone has been keeping up with All My Children like I said I would (a woman of her word, a woman of her word) - but Bianca and Lena smoochie-boochie-coochie-nooched on down in the l'aeroport! Yeehaw! First lesbian love on daytime TV - bless us, ye ole Soap Operath!

So party time is still excellent (piss poor reference to Wayne's World) - and I suppose we'll just have to wait and see how all this sheisse will go down. The good news is that I've been concocting all sorts of magical martinis for the occassion - including but not limited to (my new favorite phrase) ones with peppermint patties, gumballs, and caramels. If any of them turn out tasty, I will no doubt be drinking too many, not sharing the recipe, and throwing them up on Sunday (they will be that good).

2003-04-23 | 3:30 p.m.

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