Short & sweet

MMMMMMM Shit. I have been salivating over Cool Ranch Dorito's since last night when I tried the baked ones on for size (not not not even as good as the original). I love the CRD. The CRD rock my wee world. CRD! CRD! CRD!

So, besides the fact that I was convinced that I had a colon polyp, which is completely preposterous because I didn't have any of the symptoms for it and I sort of just wanted to throw around "polyp" a bit before I died of one, this week has been slow slow slow. Luckily, Suspiria is playing at the Guild this weekend, so I can see gore, guts, and not a lick of glory! I've never seen it before, but I'm wicked wicked excited about it. Whoop whoop whooppppeee!

Well, my little children, I have to sign for UPS slips or something now, and act responsible. Smell y'all later...

2003-04-04 | 12:07 p.m.

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