You were working as a waitress in a cocktail bar...

I lied yesterday, again, to you all. I lied about not being as in to Ladytron as I was to Broadcast. That was a lie - I apologize, but I hadn't heard Ladytron's "Seventeen" yet - they only want you when you're 17, when you're 21, you're no fun - and speaking of this very song, I brought the CD with me to work today in high hopes of taking the radio back in which to listen to Ladytron on, but no. Noooooo. I went out to sneak a radio back to the dungeon, found the very one I had been using, and realized that it had been bought & then promptly... returned! The CD player part didn't work. Oops. Hope that wasn't my fault. So I scurried back to the lair with no radio, and thus, no music. The day the music died. But! I do like Ladytron quite a bit. That was the point there.

I investigated the McRib site further, but the dancing rib background made my eyes see the American flag when I looked at a blank white wall, so I couldn't go on any longer. But on this topic of the infamous McRib, I've heard many a story about how the McRib is nasty - it tastes like condoms drizzled in BBQ sauce, etc. etc., but I can't help but think that I should eat one of those bad boys. I've never even had a Big Mac, for Christ's sake. Shouldn't I do this for me, for America?

I thought money could buy you good looks?

I cut my hair last night, and I cut it crooked. I thought that it was time to get rid of the fray, and well... I did. The good news is that I cut the right side shorter, and the right side is notorious (NOTORIOUS, I SAY!) for looking longer. So ha. Ha ha ha. HA! My mind compensated for the longer-right & thus, we have a weiner!

Our neighbors, these two freshmen girls who like to party in the good sense of partying not the stay-up-all-night-and-keep-up-Colleen sense, well - they baked magic brownies and invited me & Joey Joe Junior Shabadoo over for good times and great oldies. Now, I'm convinced that Mr. Shabadoo has been tokin' the wacky ever since the FBI gave him the boot (for laughing too much?), but he keeps denying it. I suppose if he shows up with a severe case of acne, giggles, and stinky butt sweat smell, well... then I'll know for sure. Anyway, we didn't go, but it would have been hella funny to see Shabadoo hit up the Bangkok Gilgamesh (I coined that term - let's google for it later!). I remember I had pot brownies once, and yeah... then I don't remember what happened (likely story!). Another time, I ate the roach of a joint, but couldn't get it down, so I actually chewed it and had maryjane all up in my teeth. Mmmmm! That was with Eliza in H-town. And... yet another time, me & this cheerleader got totally ripped off a 3ft. bong in this guy's dorm room- explanations in order! We went to high school together, my roommate was a co-cheerleader, hell - apparently this girl wanted to get stoned for 20 April (it's dumb that I even know 4/20), we were freshmen, I was very stupid... OK THAT IS ENOUGH OF THE MARIJUANA STORIES, I WILL STOP NOW. But I will say that the first year I knew Ludie, she came to work baked every day.

I have a wicked fear of going bald - because I pull at my hair all the time. But I thought Progaine was for balding-women, not for fine & thin hair women. It doesn't really matter, because I'm not going bald - but I would be definitely sad if I had a bald spot and no one told me. Hmm. I wonder if I do have a bald spot... I wonder if no one is telling me because they think it's funny. This reminds me of the lazy eye conversation I had with Shabadoo & the Big I - they thought it would be amusing if I had a lazy eye because then I would have no friends (this is not true! Just because someone has a lazy eye does not mean that they won't have any friends!). Ain't that just a kick in the pants. I guess the lazy eye only happens when you're little though, so maybe I won't get a lazy eye before this life is over - which makes me want to break in to song with Luther Vandross' "Before this night is over..." (I take any insults in writing at this point)

Patty Labelle and Terry Steele suck. I saw them on Regis & Kelly this morning (do we have to rehash the fact that yes, I do watch that show, and no, I am not ashamed?), and they were like two little squawk-o chickens trying to out-croak each other. It was heinous and nasty and somebody needs to get the Apollo hook and drag their bunk-asses off the stage. Horrible, horrible, and then they sang twice. HAIL MARY FULL OF GRACE, I had to turn off the TV and dance around like the mod kingpin and snoopy had a baby just to get that shite out of my system. Speaking of shite and my system, time for Starbucks!

2003-02-28 | 11:17 a.m.

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