To me... you're strange and you're beautiful...

Connity cobb mizzity mizzo in the hizzity hizouse gets to mizzity f'in go up ins balloon y'all fo' sheezy on St. to the motherfuckin Patty's Day yo! (Translation: I get to go up in a balloon on St. Patrick's Day as part of a graduation present from Freddie Fresh who works at your UNM bookstore! Woooo!) I cannot, CANNOT (CANNOT!) wait - in the morning = balloon ride, afternoon = nap, evening = large amounts of green beer.... Woohoooooo!

Dear Joey Joe Junior Shabadoo,

I once saw your doppelganger, and I have not seen him since. Don't worry - it's not Ross.

Sincerely, Colleen

* Is it so wrong that I can't stop giggling? At least they're explosion-proof (and who knew that people thought that was 1 word...).

* I personally think that Lisa Turtle is much like Jackie on That 70's Show. And I think the link for Lisa speaks for itself - mmm hmm. (But why does That 70's Show have a fake diary? That's just weird).

* This song rules!!!

* I think I'm getting sick. Now, I am one of those people who constantly think I have meningitis - but with stuff like "bacterial infections of the meninges are extremely serious illnesses, and may result in death or brain damage even if treated," one kind of has an inkling to get freaked out. My mom told me that if you can touch your chin to your chest, you do not have meningitis. Shit jeeb, mayne - if I have the inflammation of the meninges (I just really, really, really wanted to use "meninges" in a sentence, who cares if it's not a word, or even if it is...) - anyway, if I have it, I will cry cry cry everyone a Justin Timberlake river.

* It's another Annie Hall day! Today I feel like a 70's journalist - which I demonstrated to Joey Joe Junior Shabadoo this morning by acting like a reporter while doing the Saturday Night Fever pose. It wasn't that funny - Mr. Shabadoo didn't find it at all amusing. You laugh at my jokes, buster! You laugh at my jokes if you're going to borrow my car!

* This weekend was ultimately, kind of stupid. Valentine's Day was a good time - lovely, really - which is the first time I have ever said that in the history of Valentine's Day & Connie. But Saturday showed a glimmer of bad times gonna come... Shabadoo, Cokebomb & I went downtown - visiting Anodyne and Burt's (which, by the way, no one looks like this at Burt's - they must have taken photos of the respectable peeps). Then we traversed home - and ate up the leftovers of the Big I's Valentine's pizza. Then things went downhill, I passed out, and woke up with spitter spatters of rush-rush (Paula Abdul style) out the door to get to Cochiti Lake to visit mes parents. But the sickness was settling in on Saturday, and pumpin' it up (Technotronic style) on Sunday. And now... well, please see the "meningitis" above.

C'est ca, mes amies! And no cedille for me! (PS - go to Aqualung's site to hear the song "Good Times Gonna Come" - which is stuck stuck stuck up in me wee head right about now).

2003-02-17 | 11:42 a.m.

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