Happy Valentine's Day!

The Word of the Day for Friday February 14, 2003 is osculation os-kyuh-LAY-shuhn, noun: The act of kissing; also: a kiss.

Ahhh haaaa haaahaaaa!

Two thank-you's are in order!!!

1. Thank you, Big I! Although I don't entirely understand you boys' obsession with penguins, I'm grateful just the same. And I am quite impressed with the introduction to Mark Ryden. I love everything! C'est vrai!

2. Thank you, Genequa! This is soooo nice!

That being said, I must now discuss the wedding on Regis & Kelly this morning. Ok, lovely, lovely - but I came to a fantastic conclusion while watching all this hoohaa - I am never getting married. Uh-uh. Nooo way. I don't mind attending weddings, I'm excited for Eliza's, but for me? Not for me! I can only imagine what sort of freakish beast I would become, what with all that anxiety & death-wishing that would soon follow. And get me in a church? With all that jibberish that man in front of you says that defines your marriage? Hell no. HELL NO. A white floufy dress? Nope, would rather wear black and go to a bar! Fancy hair-do? Trying to cut back here, people! Dancing with family members? NO THANKS! In fact, I can think of nothing more horrific on this Valentine's Day than getting married & having a wedding. I don't feel so vomit-ly strong about marriage, I suppose (but let's face it, this sassafrass ain't lookin forward to no-me-time). But a wedding? No no NO NO! I can't stand hoohaa. That's why I dislike my birthday too, I think. But I get enough attention on my own (with my loud voice and won't-quit-boobage ha!), so I don't really think it's necessary to go and have a blow-out whamdoozle humdinger of a wedding. I don't need it, so.... No weddings for me, please, and I'm sorry Mom! (Mom is seriously getting the shaft here - what with the no-wedding-no-children policies that have been enacted).

So now I feel it is necessary to address the weirdest guestbook entry award, which goes to Fox, and you can see it if you click on my guestbook. Odd, odd, but very intriguing. And also, I would like to take a moment to tell you all how much I hate "Friends," you know - that piece of mediocre mass-produced bullshit that comes on every Thursday, is completely unrelatable to most people (hel-looo! do they not even know any African-Americans?), and is actually paying each stupid "Friend" $1 mil./episode? I would like to start an I-hate-Friends club (This should be our opening page - pfff!).

2003-02-14 | 10:58 a.m.

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