I bit... my lip! Yowza! (you know who you are)

It is a smashing day! There is nothing nicer than walking in overcast, just-finished-raining, not-too-cold weather. It's lovely... lovely I say!

Let's break it down for a second:

1. Thank you, Colin, for calling me a "psychotic little girl." Any publicity is good publicity.

2. This is just kind of weird.

3. Courteousy of Chad, the word of the day is... scatological, meaning: (1)The study of fecal excrement, as in medicine, paleontology, or biology. (2)An obsession with excrement or excretory functions. (3)The psychiatric study of such an obsession. (4)Obscene language or literature, especially that dealing pruriently or humorously with excrement and excretory functions (dictionary.com providing the actual definition here, peeps). Thank you Chad, for you have found an excellent, excellent word.

4. Look, Big I - it's as if you married me & took my last name! (Just so you know, I didn't read any bit of this link, so I am not responsible if you read it & get offended)

5. Did Galliano design this dude's calf-thingies? That is sooo last season, buddy. (Who doesn't know who John Galliano is? Raise your hand!)

6. Ludie modeled a graduation gown for the Bookstore website, so that should be posted here as soon as it is posted on the bookstore's website. We will all giggle away when we see our Ludie looking grown-up & professional... or maybe she'll look positively radiant and score herself a Visa!

Note to self: Do not discuss Craig David (awww... do I have to link it? No one will go to it anyway!) with the Big I, nor Valentine's Day brownies with Eliza, and do NOT NOT NOT talk about midgets with the newest addition to the Elizabeth club. With me, don't talk about peeling back faces for autopsies or bananas. In that order.

2003-02-13 | 11:43 a.m.

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