No. 2

Amendments, amendments - sure it's the same day, but I'm trying to waste time instead of writing my 2nd final.

First things first - and that's more Nazi stuff. After this whole efficiency thing, have you noticed that people like to say stuff like, "And you know - those Nazis did themselves in, they did!" (You stupidly, stupidly, ask "Why?" here) and then they say, "They wrote everything down! Meticulous bastards! Damn Germans!" And then guffawing ensues. And you can't get mad about it, because goddammit, why the hell are you talking to someone about Nazis anyway.

Well, in an effort to procrastinate further and see how far I can push the nausea, I went and bought a hugeass burrito. After deep-throating the mother, I realized I had beans on my nose and all over my hands. And no - I was not taking some sick pleasure in picking my nose with beans on the ends of my fingers in order to enjoy a culinary delight little-known to the western world (I'll eat my boogers plain, thank you!). It just seems that my gaping maw was not gaping enough, and I was so weak from hunger I might as well smashed the thing all over my face. And hands. My face - my chest - my back.... if anyone has seen that Matthew Broderick/Meg Ryan "Addicted to Love" movie, then you know what this face/chest/back thing is from. Gives me the heebie-jeebies.

So... back to this burrito. There are things that do *yes, do!* disturb me about cheese. I have no problem with pizza being greasy - but when my burrito pees, I get a little disturbed. Mind you, I was engorged with the passionate flames o' fury - what with the eating & subsequently, suffocating myself, but I did find the burrito pee to be repulsive. It was just nasty.

And also - here is a case in point to the big i - who god only knows why you would read in addendum - but... you know, if we jaunted out of town and across borders & countries & whatnot - don't you think that when we returned, we would be so deprived of gravy & pizza that our heads would blow off our disproportionately puny bodies? I only say they are disproportionately puny because apparently our only sustenance is the fat gained from gravy & pizza. We'd be emaciated! We would jones for gravy the way whatshisface jonesed for Jodi Foster - I know, I know... you hate Jodi Foster. Is her named even spelled "Jodi"?

ARGH - must....



2002-12-09 | 1:00 p.m.

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