Hangover Remedies

* 2 cups of coffee, 1 glass of Emergen-C, 1 large, juicy, sodium-infested cheeseburger with curly fries, 1 coke.

* 1 cup of coffee, 1 Redbull, 1 mozzarella omelet, home fries, and toast, 1 jaunt up the stairs.

* 1 tall glass of water, 2 cups of coffee, 1 glass of Emergen-C, 1 Vitamin Water, 1 Gatorade. Perhaps 2 saltines.

* 1 cup of coffee, 1 Emergen-C, 1 orange, 1 scone, 1 grilled chicken breast with piles of vegetables, 1 cigarette. (this is actually what I'm doing today)

* 1 bucket of water, 1 cup of coffee, 1 Emergen-C, 1 cigarette, 1 heaping serving of mashed potatoes. Optional: Extinguishing said-cigarette into the mashed potato-leftovers at the end of the meal. One must be highly trained in filthiness to pull this off accurately.

* 1 glass of water, 1 Dr. Pepper, 1 huge breakfast burrito (hash browns, scrambled eggs, green chile, bacon, cheddar cheese, tortilla), 1 quick run to the bathroom. Substitution: Green Chile & Pepperoni pizza from Giovanni's in Albuquerque (side effect will be enormous explosives rattling out of one's can) or Green Chile Chicken Enchiladas. Mmm. Enchiladas.

* 12 cigarettes, 1 dose of self-loathing.

Remember! If one has a wicked case of vomitus interruptus on the day-after, one must nestle in one's bed, wishing that Alka-Seltzer still made "Morning Relief" and hope to God your roommate pities you and brings you one of the above-listed items. Although one will most likely throw it up or push it out at some point. Viva la drinking!

2005-08-03 | 11:16 a.m.

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