Unsanitary/Insane Conditions

There is something infinitely and terrifyingly stressful regarding the IM tab at the bottom of my screen, blinking an incessant orange to blue, orange to blue. This being only on PCs, as at home, my little iChat is fine - it's not worrysome or hateful. But hot damn, on the PC, at work, when the phone is ringing and the emails are pouring in, that little orange off and on is enough to make me seriously grab the computer, throw it across the dimly-lit room, and run into the bathroom.
Where, of course (if you've been reading), I would have to make a little nest of clean toilet paper before sitting down.
It's an all-liquid-diet y'all! Watch out for projectile vomitus! (So say the legions of drunkards taking on this holiday weekend)

2005-07-01 | 1:52 p.m.

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