For those about to rock

Well, Bryant Park Films last night reaffirmed my previous decision in life: a herd of people, coming together outside in the summer time without permanent seating, is always a bad idea. While it was fun, the picnicking, the drinking in the sunset, etc. etc., trying to climb over fools that were outstretched and making lovey-dovey with their significant others was a virtual nightmare. Note to self: Next time (and oh yes, there will be a next time. As in next week --> "The Fly" is showing) don't drink nearly so much, or perhaps pee right before the movie's beginning. I had to fake a British accent so that people would be friendlier to me. It worked.
So, the movie playing last night was "The Way We Were" which is quite a load of crap, if you ask me. Very well done, though, and I use the term "crap" meaning that it was depressing, and my whole life is depressing, and why can't I find a Hubbell, blah blah blah. Actually, it was more like why-can't-I-shag-1970s-Robert-Redford, but who's keeping score at this point.
Wait - I just lost my train of thought thinking about Robert.
Hmm. We salute you.

I like this font!

2005-06-21 | 2:32 p.m.

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50s people