Blah, blah... blah blah blah

I find it insanely interesting how the rest of the world is mostly preoccupied with not adhering to personal space. While our country is supposed to be aware and thus, less judgmental of other cultures, I am fucking so goddamn sick of the outside of thighs touching the outside of my thighs on the train just because some goddamn woman wants to sit with her legs spread-eagle, umbrella and tattered shopping bag swinging just below her mighty crotch, as I'm almost crawling up the metal arm railing, trying to rid myself of her body heat.

In addition to this, I would also like to point out that if you are coming to New York City, please try to not be so touristy, because God help me, when I'm late for work with a big metal stick in my hand, you best be gettin' the shit outta the way. It takes every fiber of my being to not swat you, Ms. Tourist, right in the middle of your cropped-pants-covered ample ass.
Seriously. Seriously. I know this isn't a new concept - the New Yorker complaining about the tourists that overpopulate this tiny island every summer - but shouldn't they be detailing this sort of idiocy in guidebooks or something? Like, "Please refrain from walking overly slow and stopping, confused, right in the middle of rush hour. You are risking your life." And I'm a decent person - imagine (just imagine!) what real New Yorkers must do. And those that haven't had caffeine? Jesus. Those people are ticking timebombs, my friend! Ticking timebombs!

I digress. So last night I was sweating out all the toxins of yesteryear (a phrase I actually used when talking to my roommate), watching Doves' "Where We're Calling From," which prompted my last entry, but also, I was overcome with insta-jealousy for the British population. I think at one point during all these concerts in the past month, I turned to Joe and said, "What the hell is in the water over there?" How can one small little place produce such enormous talent? Talent that by far surpasses the American-Pop machine, which is the exact conversation I had with an ex of mine about 4 years ago. We were discussing how when something is intensely popular over here, it's completely nerdy to like it, however, in the UK, it's not nerdy. Par example: Oasis v. Kid Rock. Look at how freakass huge Oasis was/is, and how freakass huge Kid Rock was/is. This is America's contribution to rock: Kid Rock. White trash pseudo-rap/rock. As a self-described badass, Kid Rock was entirely retarded and we all (now) realize his lameness, although his records sold like hotcakes until he was Superbowl, Pepsi-commercial big.
In fact, and maybe mildly off-subject, a lot of completely trendy things here are scoffed, whereas in other countries they are embraced - in America, it's "selling out" and in other countries (not just England), it's celebrated. What is this? And why did we end up as self-loathing, self-critical depressives, destined to endlessly search for the next-big-thing but once it becomes big, it's stupid? Is this making any sense to anyone? The only genres of music that are successful and really own it are hip-hop, rap, and r&b - perhaps this is due to the constant tug of America's dysfunctional relationship with race. If you're white, you're automatically uncool. Hence the problem with rock in America - it's driven by white people. It really is, right? And unless you're pulling yourself on stage, womanizing and dead-drunk from the night before, you ain't got half a chance in hell to make it in music, much less in society, as a "cool" person. The only alternative is to readily grab onto your nerdiness, promote yourself as an art-rock/indie band and hope for the best. As New Yorkers cry out to beware the hipster, I see this one falling down the tubes as well. As for me and my house, we shall serve the Geek? It's only a matter of time when the nationwide backlash begins - it's already in the works in NYC as everyone talks shit about B-burgers. God save the Queen, Lord help the Yanks.

2005-06-10 | 10:34 a.m.

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