It's 12pm - do you know where your children are?

Popular searches that lead to my diary yesterday include "Bring it on down to omeletville" and "thong injury." Ahh, if only I could reach the masses of New York City with that same ever-expansive knowledge. Then we'd all be rid of our thong injuries and perhaps know a little more about the diddy sung by JT on SNL.

So, I hate this job. I hate it. I want to get student loan money, call a cab, take it to Queens, pack my shit up, and get the fuck outta dodge. My sister is going to Europe for a while, I would like to see my parents, and goddammit, I would like to get rid of this shitfest in my throat. I really am not the working kind.

In a less expletive manner, I scored tickets to see Carson Daly's show on Monday at 3.45pm - mainly to see Fischerspooner. The rules of the game are: we cannot wear white, blue, or khaki. I think these are the only rules.

I have been rereading "Sex, Drugs, and Cocoa Puffs" and much to my delight, I've refound my cynicism towards everyday TV. When he discusses how a fiction might be aware of a reality, I have to wonder about Will and Grace. First of all, they continuously make outside-the-show references, but they do not know they are on a show themselves (Well, I mean, obviously the actors know, but in terms of script - they're playing these characters that do not know they are on TV). And yet, while they make exclamations about "Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen!" or J.Lo stars as... confusingly enough... herself, they black out the Minute Maid Orange Juice carton to just read "Maid." Why!?! WHY WHY WHY!?! This makes absolutely no sense to me. It makes a stunning statement on intellectual property versus direct advertising. I suppose they assume that celebrities are intellectual property, not products to be promoted, and something like Minute Maid is a physical product - there's no mistaking that. But if these celebrities have a product, and for some reason, their guest-starring coincides with... oh, I don't know... a movie opening, their latest single, their shampoo line at Wal-Mart... is it still "intellectual property"? Shouldn't they be blacking out Jack's mouth when he yelps, "Sarah Jessica Parker, that's fantastic!" That's why it's stunning -- because they want us to assume that people are not products, my God, that would be terrible, what-kind-of-monster, etc. etc.

Shouldn't they black it out? Am I losing it?

Tonight, my Albuquerquian (?) friend Will will (ha ha) be visiting from Philly. And my friend Tristan Perich will be playing his one-bit at his dad's show, so things are looking loaded. And this job is looking like it's expendable. Anybody know of a gallery that's hiring or a good design job? Perhaps... a one-way ticket to Paris?

2005-06-02 | 11:53 a.m.

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