101+ Things about Colleen

Allright, I'm going to break down and do this.

1. Full name is Colleen Erin Williams

2. Social Security Number is -- doh! I am not that stupid. Although I did respond to one of those Citibank fake emails once & had to put some sort of moratorium on my credit report.

3. I have a tiny abrasion on the side of my tongue. I think I bit it.

4. I've been trying to finish "A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius" for like, three months now, but I can't focus on reading right now.

5. Joe is going to kill me because he's been patiently waiting to borrow that damn book.

6. I don't think anybody reads this, although I know some people read it because I check the daily stats.

7. I will publish an entry and then edit it at least ten times. Who knows if what you're reading right now is what will actually stick?

8. Latest obsession: Norwegian poptart, Annie & her album Anniemal. It hits the US on June 7, but of course I was introduced to it early by a Euro.

9. I had kissed about 21 people in my whole life before my last real boyfriend. I have kissed about 20 people since February.

10. I have enormous animosity towards my parents. I think I should seek a psychologist. Instead, I seek a drink.

11. I miss undergrad. It was wicked easy.

12. I hate the phone - in fact, I rarely answer it. I prefer the text message.

13. I was born March 13. Somewhere along the lines of being born in March and being named Colleen Erin, it was decided that I should be the Williams ambassador to all Irishfolk.

14. I want fools to IM me more often, dammit!

15. I'm starting a job Monday.

16. The person who I'm replacing is leaving for Miami on Sunday. I will not be trained. I am nervous.

17. If I went to grad school for art history, my plan was to write a thesis on Nazi Propaganda art.

18. In highschool I smelled like strawberries. Now I smell like toast.

19. I watch the behind-the-scenes and special features on DVDs like it's goin' out of style. I love knowing where things originated. This must be an extension of trying to be good at trivia.

20. I reread old entries of Connie Cobb & shudder. Nothing has changed.

21. "Connie Cobb" is actually a nickname given to me by a friend that I haven't seen in forever. We used to have so much fun.

22. One time, after drinking too much tequila, I ran into a cactus. Coincidental, but not ironic.

23. On paper, my life looks like its littered with social activites, but sometimes its just lonely. Hence the regular updating.

24. For a good ten years, I could not drink milk in the morning. It made me nauseous.

25. I feel as though I must detox daily. Usually because of the night before, but sometimes I do it just to... do it.

26. Speaking of the night before - my drink: Jameson and Soda.

27. I am so, so hard on myself. Physically, emotionally. Too many standards.

28. In 7th grade, I was tripped and walked on. I wore glasses and had a perm. Whenever I get too full of myself, I just think of that girl.

29. I don't have many girlfriends. I wish I did, but then I meet the whole lot of girlfriends and realize that they all want to get married.

30. I do not want to get married.

31. I never want a relationship again.

32. My best friends are Eliza and Joe.

33. I never fucking get to talk to Eliza, because she has a regular schedule, and I have a goddamn drunk's schedule. Maybe that will change with the new job. I miss Eliza.

34. I threw away all my old papers from college. I should have kept them - now I have no reference material if I want to submit things for critical writing.

35. When I was little, I wanted to be a paleontologist.

36. My fourth grade teacher wanted me to be a writer.

27. My first grade teacher wanted me to be an artist.

28. My French teacher wanted me to get the fuck out of her class.

29. I have forgotten so much of the German I'd learned.

30. DID YOU NOTICE THE NUMBERS GOT OFF? I ain't changin' it neither, y'all.

31. I moved to NYC to attend Parsons for fashion design. I really wanted to go to London to attend Central St. Martins.

32. My mom actually told me last week to "not return to Parsons in the Fall, tell NYC to shove it, and move to London to go to CSM." My heart skipped a beat when she said that. I replied, "Only one traumatic move a year, Mom. Although I would love to do it."

33. When I had salmonella food poisoning, I lost 15 pounds. If you knew what I looked like, you'd think that was disgusting. It really was. I survived on Otter Pops.

34. I don't know if I have what it takes to be a fashion designer, writer, or artist. I know I'm not an artist, so forget that part.

35. Mr. Anonymous - I can't figure out. I can't figure out how he hasn't succumbed to the power de Connie Cobb. I know I shouldn't try to divide and conquer, but in post-breakup, that's all I want.

36. I'm on a quest for the next big thing! What if the next big thing! is... me?

37. Children would royally fuck up my life.

38. My roommate watched "Almost Famous" for the first time, and I realized (1) how good the movie is....

39. and (2) that we really did talk to Patrick Fugit that one time at Rififi.

40. I meet alot of bands, but only one (Tom from Kasabian) remembered my name.

41. I miss Sir Scroggs.

42. I eat peanut butter toast every morning for breakfast. I have eaten this same breakfast for years.

43. It is interesting how the way you look is directly linked to your identity. If I suddenly got outrageously obese, I would go insane.

44. I'm trying to cut down on my peanut butter consumption.

45. I cut my coffee with cocoa. It's a trick I learned from an old friend.

46. That same old friend lives in New York, but I haven't seen her once since I moved here. I find that to be weird. Kinda shitty.

47. I am only stable when I have a boyfriend. And I claim to be a feminist. But I can't control that. *sigh*

48. I'm going to a party tonight that will be populated by 21 yr. olds. They're more fun than people my age (25).

49. Life just keeps on rolling, rolling, rolling. Down the hill, up a mountain, sometimes the road is flat, sometimes it's on a train, in a car, in a plane... and it just keeps going. One day I will wake up and be 50. Will I be sorry for what I'm doing now? Hell no. So I need to get over feeling guilty.

50. I hope I made a lifelong friend in Seth. (Seth - are you reading this, bitch!? We're lifelong friends now!)

51. I would sell my sewing machine for a trip to Paris right now.

52. A girl I just met on Monday left Wednesday for an internship in Paris. She just decided she wanted to go, and did it. She was from MIDLAND, TEXAS. And those of you who know that...

53. ...my hometown is Hobbs, NM (which is a hop, jump, and skip away from Midland). We'd never met before that night, but we'd both packed our shit up and moved to NYC to become fashion designers. We both wore too much makeup.

54. I am afraid of scorpions, serial killers, and tornadoes. This has never changed.

55. I own too much perfume. Waaaay too much perfume.

56. I crash computers. Regularly. I think I'm magnetic.

57. The best thing I've ever heard in description of me: "You're magical. But you.... do something to it." As in, I fuck it up. Hell yeah I do.

58. I quit smoking when I was 20 (started when I was 15). I've been smoking again, but not nearly as bad as when I quit.

59. I haven't gone more than 2 weeks without a drink since I was 15.

60. I don't want to think about #59.

61. I love Eurotrash.

62. I wish I'd gone to grad school.

63. I have a larger-than-normal musical knowledge base. I blame Schmeeds.

64. I love Mexican food. Oh God, I love Mexican food.

65. Besides that, I have a very limited palette. I eat like I'm stuck in a 7 yr. old's body.

66. I just dyed my hair two weeks ago. I hadn't dyed it in 2 years.

67. I put all sorts of time limits/restrictions on myself, which makes life a little more of a stressful situation. For some reason, it's terribly important to know that I hadn't dyed my hair in 2 years and I started dying it, or... I had quit smoking for 5 years and I just started smoking again.... Schmeeds and I dated for almost 2 1/2 years, E.LeBlanc and I dated for 2 years and 2 months, I have been single for 4 months...

68. This sort of calendar makes me want to investigate people more. Does everyone keep a timetable? Does everyone remember these sorts of things?

69. I thought I was narcissistic, but I'm pretty much normal.

70. My roommate told me that I go to so many shows because I like the gamble of paying for an experience. You never know if it's going to be good or bad, so you can't be disappointed.

71. That's interesting, but good Christ - have you seen a good band live? It's electric. E - lec - tric.

72. There is this burrito place in Hobbs, NM called Nipa Hut. They make the best burritos ever. One time, Eliza and I were supposed to give blood, so we bought burritos in the morning, went to school (highschool), were both denied as I was anemic and she freaked the fuck out. So we ate our Nipa Hut in a park and skipped 1st period anyway.

73. I feel like people are looking at me on the street.

74. I skipped so many classes in highschool. Especially by the time I was a senior. I was caught a few times too. And you know what? It really doesn't matter. That permanent record shit does not matter.

75. If my parents knew anything of my life, they would ship me off to Betty Ford in a straightjacket. It must be this secret rebellion that keeps me doing these things. Or, habit?

76. Beatles v. Stones = Beatles. While I grew up listening to both, I have a huge bleeding heart for the Beatles. Ohhh, I love the Beatles. It is absolutely stunning the scope of influence they had on the whole world.

77. I am sure I'm doing permanent damage at this point.

78. I really like The Stills. I really do. Does anyone else?

79. Why do my pajama pants smell like cigarettes? I don't smoke in them. They also intermittently smell like honey, which must be due to the l'Occitane Honey Body Balm I generously slather on.

80. Michael Patrick King thinks he's soooo funny, but really, his sense of humor is too snobby. (Who is MPK, you ask? He's the producer/writer of Sex and the City, plus he did some Will & Grace, etc. etc. Look him up on imdb.com)

81. I have always hated that Cap'n Crunch scrapes up the roof of your mouth.

82. It's fair to say that I have an oral fixation. And not in the dirty way, you pervs.

83. I am baaaad with money. Like, let's hope something good happens to me, because I need a financial advisor, and one must be able to afford a financial advisor.

84. I want to be smarter. I want people to think I'm sooo smart. "Oh look at her - she's so smart! How does she carry that heavy brain in her head? She is just, like, sooo smart. Wow."

85. I have a friend, Will, who does a wonderful Christopher Walken impression.

86. I have another friend, Andrew, who might be the next big thing. Word on the street is, however, that he doesn't read my blog because it's "too depressing."

87. I love mornings. Although I hate waking up, I love the way the morning is the equivalent of a baby to a human. Everything is so crisp and ready to rumble. I love that feeling.

88. Since I moved here, I have seen the sunrise at least thirty times. Through the buildings, through the trees. Sometimes I stop and watch it for a minute, on my way home. I remember my very first visit to NYC, with Schmeeds, we got here so early, we took a cab into Manhattan as the sun was rising. Foreshadowing.

89. The other morning, when I fell down the stairs, it was 12 hours before that Mr. Anonymous told me to "Be careful" and I said, "On the stairs or in life?" He laughed and said, "Both." Goddammit, I shoulda been careful. More foreshadowing.

90. I was really, really, really excited to meet Fischerspooner.

91. I bite my fingernails.

92. I break my hair. It used to be, I'd snap the strands with the split-ends. Now, if the hair feels weak, I break it.

93. I obsessively get out nailclippers and cut my toenails. But they grow so fast due to all the peanut butter I eat, they never really look too bad. Is it gross to talk about toenails? Why do I feel like it's gross?

94. I want all the beautiful shoes in the world. (Direct correlation to toenails, see)

95. I just discovered the fabulousness of LimeWire. I thought that downloading music for free was a by-product of my fancy-free days at the UNM Bookstore. But it's still around! It's still around everybody!!!

96. I want to be the most fantastic person in the world. And I don't mean with material things. Well, besides the shoes. I mean, one of those people that has books written about her as she was an eccentric, really wonderfully interesting person. Now that's nerdy.

97. My friend Camilla is getting hitched in Vegas. Camilla, referred to as Ludie in some of the earlier entries of this here diary, was one of my very good friends, and then... well... we drifted apart and I moved to New York. Too often this kind of shit happens.

98. I need to buy lightbulbs, drop off clothes at the donation box, and do laundry. This can wait until tomorrow.

99. I feel as though I compromise myself too much for my parents, my friends, and my relationships. The only two people I don't compromise myself for is my sister and Eliza. That's why that shit is golden.

100. I'm not allowed to swear around my parents, by the way.

101. I started this at 1.26pm, but right now it's really 2.10pm. (and edited at least ten times -- now it's 3.03pm & I'm listening to the Beatles.)

2005-05-28 | 1:26 p.m.

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50s people