I give and I give and I give, and she takes and she takes and she takes

Shit, damn, shit. Shit, I overslept. I overslept because I took sleeping pills last night - which, by the way, yes, I know sounds troublesome, but it is such a relief to lose control over falling asleep as well. These are the marked characteristics of someone who is ready to submit all control to the gods/the neighbors/the trashman-collectors: not only does one abuse alcohol, one must also start taking sleeping pills. Seriously, though. SERIOUSLY. Sleeping pills (specifically Tylenol PM) are delightful. It's like taking vicodin, but less woozy. And vicodin was my best friend, narrowly butting out Jameson, just 5 months ago. But the prescription ran out, and how am I going to get more of that... unless I have major dental surgery or take a chance on some bad kids, selling it in front of their highschool. LONG STORY SHORT. I regret taking the pills because the morning-after is about as rough as waking up next to someone you don't know... I have to leave in 9 minutes and haven't even gotten in the shower.
Damn you, Tylenol PM! Damn you.

2005-04-14 | 7:44 a.m.

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