I am...

* downloading ...And You Will Know Us By the Trail of Dead's "Worlds Apart." Odd, impulsive choice for right now but I was so impressed by the snippets of grandeur blasting through my little Powerbook that I had to purchase the entire album to see if its worth it.

* reading Smashed: Story of a Drunken Girlhood by Koren Zailckas. Recommended by the Harvard Crimson (weird that I happened upon the Harvard Crimson, but whatevs), it is basically a memoir by a 24 yr. old about her illustrious drinking past. I use the word "illustrious" half tongue-in-cheek - the subject matter is actually a downer. So far, tres interessant.

* lamenting the weekend gone by: Joe and I stumbled in this morning at 6. We watched the sun come up, felt our stomachs roll with salty fries and leftover liquor, spit-stained and embarrassed about last night's events that shall remain nameless. I think I can cross-apply yesterday's rant to last night as well. In short - "What am I doing what am I doing what am I doing."

* preparing for a day of hard-won luxury. Pff. Actually, I mean I'm preparing for a day of cleanliness - and cleanliness is next to godliness, people. That's right - time for laundry, time for a clean room, time for a self-scrubbing in the shower. Wash this filth down the drain.

* thinking about my own relationship to alcohol, as inspired by the Smashed book. If we do, in fact, as women-drinkers, drink in order to subside unhappiness, social ungraces, and make ourselves balls of fantastic self-confident wonderful, enchanting, creatures, do I do this as well? I'm positive I do drink in order to lose the inhibitions, but I have been really romanticizing this notion of a whiskey-slugging girl who has all these thoughts in her head she must quiet and dance frenetically, drunkenly in their absence. Like an alcohol-soaked Irish poet, or a depressive British novelist. Unfortunately, my contemporaries are therefore (1) men and (2) writers and (3) troubled. This is what I want? I'm confused.

* supposed to see Aqualung tomorrow night at the Bowery Ballroom. I forgot to tell Joe that I have a ticket for him.

Which Sex and the City Player Are You? Find out @ She's Crafty (Apparently, I am... Samantha as well)

2005-03-20 | 2:56 p.m.

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