New Mexico, New Mexico

I will be missing the following things about New Mexico:
1. Friends, family, etc.
2. Unlimited Ellen-watching, as well as Cosby-watching.
3. Unlimited snacking privileges.
4. Unlimited hours of sleep privileges.
5. Unlimited (and free) use of washing machine.
6. 60 degrees during the day.
7. Being transported in vehicles. CARS! Oh cars smell so good compared to the subway.
8. Unlimited time for reading books.
9. Mexican food.
10. Being able to see the loved ones in action, doing what they do best - and no, not in the dirty sense. But I suspect you know who you are & what you do, and that's good enough for this entry.
11. Insanely cheap eats, toiletries, and drinks.

I will not be missing the following things about New Mexico:
1. Dry, dry, dry climate in which I wake up parched and my skin revolts against the rest of me.
2. Having to ask to go somewhere.
3. Having my life put on holiday, for the sake of... the holidays.
4. The slow, manana-mentality that plagues this place.
5. Being out of the real-world loop. Coming back here made me feel like I was out of my friends' loops, but staying here this long makes me feel like I'm out of the REAL loop.
6. Not being able to watch the OC. Can't I watch the goddamn OC? Nooooo. My parents don't want to watch the OC. Harumph!
7. Not having my entire wardrobe here.

Yeah, that's all I can muster. Might miss this place yet. But in five days, I better dwell on what I don't miss in order to make it through this next semester.

2005-01-19 | 4:04 p.m.

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