Hmm.... yammer, yammer

I watched "Y Tu Mama Tambien" last night and while everyone talked about how "racy" it was, and indeed, sex was splashed all over the screen, it was actually more about the things in life and death that define us, freak us out, and that which we ignore. I had the same feeling after I watched "The Good Girl."

Wasn't "The Good Girl" written by that guy from "Chuck n' Buck"? "Chuck n' Buck" was extremely disturbing when I watched it, but I think I was in highschool, so that would explain why I would have found it more than a little freaky-deaky. I also thought "Kids" was disturbing. I wonder if movies shape us more than actual experience? And if so, when will they be banned from every bar in NYC?

&heartsSalmonella and &heartsC-bomb
  • May one day conceive some superior children.
  • Are prone to slow dance weekly.
  • Only speak in song.
Orchestrated by ianiceboy

&heartsScroggs and &heartsBeanie
  • Will conceive no demanding girls.
  • Love to take long walks occasionally.
  • Heart each other.
Orchestrated by ianiceboy

2004-11-23 | 11:03 a.m.

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