Let me see you do the bootie rock

So, Eliza tipped me off to the eBay item, fart in a jar, which only has one bid. One bid. Because we all thought the fart in the jar would sell so well...

Ever since Geneva, Joe, and I watched Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil, I have wanted to go to Savannah. Anybody been to Savannah out there? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?

Last night was my first figural drawing class at the Harwood, and I'll be goddamned if the nudie model didn't position her platform & props nekkid. She was moving furniture around nekkid. And if you think that the ladies are keepin' up with they's bush, you's be wrong. This thing was growing moss, myrtle, and thyme, aight. MOSS, MYRTLE, AND THYME (which, coincidentally, is the name of my Folksy-blues band that will be form shortly after the debut of "Dance Pose Death.") So she was bendy and proppy, all with the business hangin' out left & right. These people don't mess around. But the class was pretty intense, and the instructor is Leo Neufeld, who does an excellent human body - wait, that sounds nasty. Oh forget it, it's too late.

So that's that with that. Luckily tonight I can nap nap nap and then go go go to the gym gym gym. Argh - when did I get so old. Oh that's right... March 13th, y'all. March 13th.

2004-03-18 | 12:41 p.m.

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