Wednesday, Wednesday, Wednesday

Romeo must die, Romeo goes to hell, Romeo lives on Neptune, Oh Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou, Romeo? Romeo smells like donkey dong, Romeo wants to walk the dog, Lil Romeo... all this Romeo bullhonk has gone too far. Romeo - this time for real - must die.

Tonight is the blessed union of Orange and County - the OC - a deliciously guilty pleasure that both frustrates and irritates me. Also, who knew Sara was voted off America's Next Top Model? Why is Camille still on the damn show? Wait - is her name Camille?

Enough talk about TV - let's talk about gay marriage or Howard Dean's faux-pas speech. How about Michael Jackson's allegations or Martha Stewart not going to be put on the stand. Mad cow, American obesity, the end of Sex & the City, BLAH BLAH BLAH.

Ack! I have to go take the mail!

2004-02-25 | 3:26 p.m.

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