You dammmn straight it early in the morning!

Now, while I am pleased that I found the incantation-of-satan-template, I must admit that I find the small space where the words go to be too small, thus necessitating frequent scroll-downs. I don't like scrolling so often. While it does make the Cobb experience entirely interactive, it also pisses me off.

The Thanksgiving Countdown!

(5) I pick up me sis tomorrow morning at the airport. Now, while I do love airports, and my partner in crime/we've been in cohoots for years sister, I do not like the idea of getting up at the ass crack of dawn to pick her up on my first day off. Oh well. Who cares. At this point, I wake up so early so often, it doesn't even matter.

(4) Scroggs and I went to see "Love Actually" and I must admit that I liked it, but I especially liked Thomas Sangster as Sam. Such a cute little magpie. As Scroggs put it - he looks like a lemur! You are correct, sir! Justin Timberlake & a lemur got all kinds of wicked cozy one evening, admiring the fruitfulness of it all, and eventually, had a baby & named it Thomas! Mazeltov!

(3) I started making egg nog cookies, which will be, at best, egg nogg-y.

(2) Zer ist eine party ahn Saturdeh zat Joe vants tu guh tu. Ve veel haff tu tsee aboht zat, ja.

(1) THANKSGIVING IS TOMORROW - HELLLOOOOO! While I have admonished any fondness for the holiday in the past, I am glad to see it a-comin' down the mountain when it comes. This year, I'm actually excited about the whole thing. Yipppeeee!

(In related news, I emailed Fischerspooner & have to lick some serious bottom so that I can maybe throw everything I have down the drain & work with them next Spring with the costumes/wardrobe; the coloring book is almost absolutely finished - thank the Holy Grail and the Dead Sea Scrolls; and time keeps on slippin...)

2003-11-26 | 8:57 a.m.

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