Remember to scroll down!

You know it's gonna be a good day when a homeless man in intestinal distress asks to use the office bathroom (which he can't - ok? he just can't) & when is brutally rebuffed, says "Thanks for all your help, BITCH!" And runs off down the street. I wish that happened everyday.

Apparently there was a homeless vet shelter across the street that shut down last month, thus the influx of all sorts of irritating characters. I know a lot (a lot) of people have a bleeding heart for the homeless, and I sure do feel bad for them - but come to Albuquerque & you'll see how big and unresolved a problem it is. It's just too much when people start coming into a secluded office. And when you are harrassed and confronted with it every! single! day! you kind of lose all sympathy. This damn city ain't got no good programs, if you know what I'm sayin...

Last night the Scroggs and I worked on our sheezy, which contrary to his belief, it was a hilarious effort and debut on both our parts. We shouldn't have taken a break at 10.30 - it should have been 11! You see, I turn into a Nazi with myself, a sort of throw-back to the Marine-lifestyle I'm so familiar with. It's terribly hard to be so unmotivated these days - what with my strict enthusiasm, my gruesome-grits balls, my unparalleled strength and "hard-nosedness." Yeah, whatever. I was wicked tired & turned into a delirious loon by 11. I was giggling and acting like a velociraptor. There was nowhere to go but up after that point - and no, I have no Marine upbringing.

Today was meeting day at work. Perhaps someday soon I'll regale tales of tromping into work again, like the old days, with gloves and dirty mouth-guards on the trail to freedom...

Keep holding your breath...

2003-10-21 | 2:07 p.m.

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