Bring it on in to Omeletville!

* I am having severe zipper-on-my-pants disorder. Either I'm getting: (a) lazy & not zipping up my pants all the way after taking tremendous leaks [the most likely scenario by the way] (b) uproariously and hugely fat, thus pushing my zipper down with my bulging abdominal fatty (c) uproariously and hugely muscular, thus pushing my zipper down with my bulging abdominal muscles or (d) God is trying to divinely knock me up with Robo-Jesus 2K, the ultimate Jesus Machine.

* Scroggs & I went to see Sofia Coppola's movie "Lost in Translation," and the more I think about it & let it fester like an old bag of potatoes (I would like to cross-apply this argument towards Chicago - it too is getting better and better in my memory as I am away from it), I realize that the movie was quiet, cozy, and quite nice. I did enjoy "Lost in Translation." I would like to go to Tokyo, sans Ribisi bien sur, although the movie made me think it was very, very lonely for Germanic peoples. But it was very good, nonetheless, and I entered to "win the shirt of Bill Murray's back" on the movie's site. If I win, I know a certain Scroggs that will have fancy-actor's clothing for Christmas!

* Only a couple of weeks until we go see David Sedaris!

* I can't believe it is only Tuesday & I'm trying to figure out ways to shirk the gym. I seriously hate the gym right now. Who hates the gym? I hate the gym!

* I'm draw-ring a coloring book for a woman who is publishing a story on how to tie one's shoes, OT style, y'all. That means occupational therapy style, y'all. Oh crap - I'm a therapy-tekkie now. A big nerd wrapped up in her SLP and OT world. Fuhget it.

* Justin Timberlake on SNL was the best SNL I will see all year. I was pleasantly surprised by his brazen tongue-in-cheekness. Take from that what you will.

2003-10-14 | 4:32 p.m.

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