I like to sing-uh! About the moon-uh and the June-uh and the spring-uh!

There are a few things I've learned from Laura Muffin, two of which have smacked me in the face in the past couple of days.

1. Cut dirty coffee with cocoa. Not only does this save time on sugars & cream & blah blah blah, it also makes shite coffee taste better, and adds onto the caffeine tally.

2. There are cute babies in this world, and hot damn, her sister had one. I never think wee'uns are cutie, but this one is so cute I want to bite off it's schmarpy head. GASP! Am I growing up? No, it cannot be!!! I cannot start to go on and on about the cuteness of children on their birthdays! Argh - my anguish! My unadulterated fear of being a biological ticking time bomb! Enough! (Needless to say, it is an adorable baby)

Joe has decreed that we are having a "gathering" this Saturday night. He wants it to be a cocktail party, but my few & far-between friends I've chosen to invite - well, let's just say I've told them they must dress as cock or tail. Scroggs is letting it all hang out in honor of the event. Oh, how I love to be an ass.

I did not attend the democratic debates last night at Poopjoy, but they are most definitely the talk of the town. Forget that - they are the talk of the nation. I had a tinge of regret for not attending, for going straight to bed when I got home, but then I realized... I went straight to bed when I got home. Sunny, sunny day! I cut my hair last night also - a good inch & a half off since it was dragging its littlest and most pathetic feet on the floor. I hadn't cut it since December, I think, and my two-tone was showing more than my pink panties at an Aerosmith concert, if you know what I'm saying. So I grabbed the scissors and chopped, hacked, and ultimately, cocked and tailed this mother until I thought it was suitable and Joe said I had a mullet. For the record, I do not have a mullet. What I do have is the undeniable guilt/lust for chocolate chip pancakes.

Chocolate chip pancakes reminds me of "The Life of David Gale" - and now I must go look at the site I've neglected for quite a while - Texas Death Row inmates' final meal request. I think I'm losing my edge...

2003-09-05 | 8:23 a.m.

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