I have the itchy neck!

It is ab-so-lutely fab-u-lous how my tiny entry got 3 guestbook signings. As a secretary, I count my worth by how many signings I get. What is the more appropriate word for "signings"? Anyway, I was quite excited. People that never sign signed, including one ecstatic girl that wants me to email her (but I think it's for porn, so I'm not sure)...

SO I LEARNED SOME GREAT NEWS. Apparently, I can start a WHOLE NEW STINKING LOAN for Fashionista School. This makes me very happy indeed, since I was thinking that I would have to sell layers of fat & skin for good times, great oldies. Maybe my hair. Maybe I could sell my hair & buy Schmeedy a watch chain, whereas he would sell his watch to buy such pretty combs for my hair. Luckily, I won't have to have an O. Henry experience, and I can easily pay for my tuition. Otherwise, I must save money to live on, which ain't no thang but a chikin wang.

Brief synopsis:

1. Arnold is running for governor, and I read a quote that Cali's race is "a carnival" at this point. All's I gots to say is: Ronald reagan & Sonny Bono. Shooooo in. Unfortunately, G-rock said that he doesn't let Maria wear pants in public or something. Maybe that's more due to kinky reasons, though, instead of chauvinistic ones.

2. We're having orientation here where I work & everyone is running around like chickens sans tetes (no, Schmeedy - not "teats" - tetes, and since I have no french accents, we all lose the point of this sentence).

3. I HAVE HAD TOO MUCH COFFEE AND I FEEL LIKE MY EYESAREGOINGTOPOPOUTOFMYHEADRIGHTNOW! We got lunch catered from Le French Corner, sandwiches on baguettes with tartlets - so, so, so good I might have to relive it by vomiting a la mama bird & re-eating it.

Argh! Must! Go! Print! Therapist! Badges!

2003-08-07 | 1:11 p.m.

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