I need a bullet list on my desk by 5!

1. That shitty band "Train" has a new song all over the radio, "Calling all Angels" or something extraordinarily hokey like that. Anyway, I was listening very closely to the words, and among lines such as not being able to leave kids outside or something, there was a line: "When football teams are kissing queens and losing dreams..." blah blah blah call on some angels (I'm presuming the spiritual ones, not the Harley-riding ones), because we're all going to hell in a handbasket or something. Ok. Whaaa? Football teams are kissing queens - what the hell does this mean? Does this mean what I initially thought it meant, or does it mean football players are muggin' down w/ the Homecoming Queen & knocking her up? All I know is that I dislike Train - they can call on their "angels" (which I wish was about cocaine or something more interesting), go to hell in whatever accoutrement they desire - I don't care.

2. I volunteered to help with Carol Moseley Braun's campaign for presidency in 2004. She wants to increase government spending from 6% to 10% on education! Since I am a big believer that America is stupid, education is my numero uno concern at this point. It doesn't hurt that she's a woman, either, of course. I know it's a long shot at this point, but wouldn't it ROCK Capitol Hill if she got in there & started stirring some shit? Ahhhh yes. I love shit-stirring.

3. WHERE ARE MY NERDS? I beckoned & called for one (1) case of Nerds (Watermelon & Wild Cherry) and I'll be damned if those wee'uns have not arrived yet. Maybe this afternoon.

4. Work sucks a fatty. I already have a list of 13 things to do tomorrow. Luckily, though, I do have this Freitag off, so bonus scorearific for me, brah! Kowabunga! Yeehaw!

5. Schmeon & I had a lengthy debate (it was actually only about 5 minutes) regarding Mrs. Adam Sandler, because, you see, I thought she was haggish in a Frank-the-Tank wife sort of way (Old School, an embarrassment to admit I've seen, if I do say so myself). Oh well. It's not important. What's important is that - THE NERDS HAVE NOT YET ARRIVED. That is all.

6. Who here remembers when Fiona Apple was all about Maya Angelou? Who here remembers Fiona Apple?

Argh. I need a nap.

2003-06-25 | 4:30 pm

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