One in the bed & the little one said....

So the other day I saw a wee baby cottontail, hopping down the bunny trail (actually, it was the parking lot outside of Johnson Gym), and of course, I had to try to catch it (for it's safety, and also, because it was the cutest thing I have seen the whole year of 2002 to 2003). This reminded me of (ahem) an incident.

Now, me & bunnies - we don't really get along, but I have been obsessed with them for years and years. It was only about 6 or 7 months ago that I found a larger cottontail, floppity-flop flopping around by this church at the end of the street, and of course, I had to try to catch it (I failed in these instances). But, just like a movie, I will recount the one time that I succeeded.

I went to prom with this guy, Dave, in 1998. It was our Senior Prom, yada yada yada, we were having a dandy time. I wonder if he remembers this. Anyway, a bunny hopped in front of the car at a stop sign, I hopped out of the car & proceeded to hop hop hop along until I caught it, which I did, and scratched the hell out of my arms (it was a domesticated bunny though). That was stupid. I'm pretty sure we were still all dolled up for the prom.

What is this thing with catching the bunnies? I've owned 3 rabbits in my lifetime - 2 for about 10 years (I was a little baern at the time of buying), and then the horrible incident involving Schmubby (my college rabbit) that made me never want a bunny again.

But they're so cute! I just want to take them and rub my cheek on their soft, soft fuzzy fur. Mmm. Bunny. Uhhh.... anyway, now I sound like a loon and I have to go make some paper dress and also, curse myself for painting the inside of a shoe with oils. Oils! What was I thinking?!? It will take weeks to resemble dryness! Argh!

2003-06-20 | 1:45 pm

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