I'm outside your house...

OH BOY. Well, well, well - let me tell a little story about how stupid this day is. It begins with a little thing called... the MVD. Why it's called the MVD instead of the DMV, who the hell knows. Obviously a day is going to be stupid if you have to go to the MVD/DMV. So, I went through hell & highwater in order to get... NOWHERE. I couldn't find the damn MVD. I went into the heights, up Carlisle, down Carlisle, to the mall (surprise! The MVD doesn't live there anymore!), and finally to the Galeria in which I had to wait for twenty minutes, be sort of lured in by Arthur Sussman's Gallery, buy a Vanilla Coke, and return to find out that the motor vehicles' systems are down (statewide! gasp!), and God only knows when they'll be up. At this point, I was about an hour late for work, and was ready to throw in the towel. So, I took my fineass Vanilla Coke, passed NM Sports & Wellness, and got the hell on, me & my mama.

On the jaunt around Burque, I saw this and thought, how true, how true.

If you, yourself, and your's have never been to Albuquerque, it looks nothing as picturesque as UNM is trying to make it look here.

Well, shit in my eye and call me a Lazy Susan - this morning on Regis & Kelly were the following guests: Jerry Seinfeld, Justin Timberlake, and Julianne Moore. It was like a nerdy girls dream come true! Girls were screaming and clutching their bras & panties for Julianne Moore, the audience was giggling ferociously at the observational humor of Justin Timberlake, and we were all impressed at the natural redhead Jerry Seinfeld's incredible acting range! It was a beautiful, beautiful moment for all that live vicariously through those that are rich, famous, and demonstrably more fit (that's a judgment call on Moore, but I'm pretty sure Seinfeld is not as fit as me. Timberlake's got it though)!

It is also imperative to note that on the walk into work, 2 hours late, I picked up a note that was some quote about the rapture (that link is nutty nutty nutty). So, of course I feel it is my duty to either make fun of it mercilessly or throw it away in a rightful trashcan, rather than litter on a church's grounds. I do have some sort of moral fiber, I guess, so I walked with it until I got to a trashcan. And I'm sort of making fun of it now. Oh well. I didn't litter. That's the most important part.

Everybody keeps telling me that designing toys should be left for the drafting-gifted. Well, screw that, my funny Valentine! I hope I design all the toys in the world, lure in little beautiful girl & boy-land, and they shall never return again! Bwa ah ahhh ahhhhhh! And with that, it's time to act like a goat and gnaw on some beer cans (ol' boner-croner is havin' a par-tay this weekend)!

2003-04-11 | 1:55 p.m.

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