
Today is one of those days that was going quite well until 1 person put me off. I was having a fine & dandy day, and now I want to kill kill kill people. It's not helping that I have to do a stupid presentation, go out to eat with my parents, go to a Trivial Pursuit party, and I feel like ass exploded in my bronchials. Something's gotta give. One good thing is that while I was walking to work this *ahem* morning (ok, so it was noon), I smelled the most grand, most delicioso scent of crisp bacon, floating through the air, with the greatest of ease... It was coming from the Rte. 66 Diner, which is right down the street. So, so smelly good. I don't think I've had a legit piece of bacon in forever. I'm one of those sickos that enjoys turkey bacon (and much to the Big I's chagrin, turkey hot dogs too. I can't help it.) But I wanted legit bacon right then & there. Mmmm. Bacon.

Speakin' of the Big I, we watched Elling last night, which was really good. I wanted to see Lovely and Amazing, but I think it's too... not enough... oh well, long story short - I'll watch it alone. But Elling was a damn fine Norwegian specimen.

I have been using cheaper and cheaper shampoos & conditioners (half punishment for my overwhelming vanity, other half in order to save some money), and I just started in on the St. Ives' Revitalizing Conditioner, which has the most irritating scent of all time. I sort of like it, I sort of wish it wasn't my head. Maybe this cheapen-the-lifestyle ploy ain't gonna fly.

Ok, so bacon, movies, turkey, stinky conditioner - what else can I say? (Isn't that tattoed on some Blink-182 motherfucker?) The weekend is nigh! Au revoir!

2003-03-28 | 3:33 p.m.

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