Who has a birthday tomorrow???

Tomorrow! Tomorrow! I love ya, tomorrow! You're only... a day!!! AHHHHH! WAAAAAAAAAY!

I don't know if y'all heard or not, but this bucktooth bimbo has got some wicked-ass wild seeds bein' planted tomorrow night. Ok, so they're not that wild - it's no 2002 birthday (Irish car bombs, puking, etc.) - but it should be fun. We're going to Graze, a weird new restaurant that Ludie & I picked, and we will be, without a doubt, imbibing much alcohol - if not for my birthday, than for the fact that it is... my birthday! WOOOOO!

I may have schizophrenic music taste (the Big I gave me a CD that not only included Bjork and Ladytron, but also Roy Orbison, Lita Ford, Lords of Acid, the Flamingos, Heavy D & the Boyz, Pharcyde - you smell what I'm steppin in?), but Outkast's new song, "A.D.I.D.A.S." rules! I'm sure you're familiar with the acronym because of Korn - it means the same thing, but anyway - it rules I say! Are they really using the phrase "savoir faire" in the lyrics? If they are, they're mine forever! And if you can't love them for a booty-ass shakin song incorporating french idiomatic phrases, love them for this!!!

* The Daily Lobo has decided to use this article about bed bugs - aka lice - in the wake of... well I don't know what in the wake of, I got distracted by the sheer freakishness - I mean, they are talking about LICE. IN YOUR BED. I am completely, 100% grossed out. I will fumigate this evening with a fierceness unknown to any man! (Well, maybe some men - and maybe even some women. Ahhh ambiguity - is anyone questioning what the hell is going on here yet? Good, good. We're only talking about lice, here. But leave your filthy minds where they were if it pleases you...)

* I have been trying to write a cover letter for a resume I'm sending off to Through the Flower, an organization in NM run by the artist herself Judy Chicago (so it's a big deal). And... I keep starting out the letter with "I have been studying at UNM for 5 yrs. and I have..." and this is where, naturally, things such as "an appetite for destruction!" and "a cornish game hen roasting in my oven!" creep into my head and get me off-track. I wonder if I actually could quote Guns n' Roses in a cover letter. I would surely stand out with stuff like "welcome to the jungle" and "sweet child of mine." Things would get tricky with "Live and let die" - is it Paul? Is it Axl? Who is it (which would be Michael Jackson)?

* Last night some dude started yelling at me in the Smith's parking lot - "DO YOU WANNA BE ON MY WEBSITE? IT'S STALKER.COM!" I started cracking up, and turned him down, and of course, today, I had to see what the hell stalker.com was. It's not stalker.com, I don't know if it's even stalker.org or stalker.net. But if that was just a pickup line, it was the worst one I have ever heard. It might as well be, "Hey - do you think you like trees? I might like trees!" Ok, so it's not like that at all...

* On top of being an elitist, and even an antagonist (sometimes), I am most definitely a smokist. I am prejudiced against people I don't know if they smoke. Sorry if you smoke, but you should quit that shit anyway. I do not discriminate against those I already know that smoke in a what-kind-of-person-are-they sense, but I do avoid their homes and cars (no offense, Eliza!). I don't think that you smokin' people are bad - I just don't want to be around you.

* On that note, do not read Monsters: Human Freaks in America's Guilded Age if you want to be at work on time. Or if you're skirmish, skittish, or don't like 115lb. women with at least 30 of that being in her feet or maybe... four-legged little girls (who eventually bore children from 2 different vaginas! Whoopeeee!). I could not put the damn book down - thus, I was an hour late to work, which is not unusual, but I was already in the bookstore.


2003-03-12 | 12:18 p.m.

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