Smooooth operator!

Today has already seen the likes of:

1. Big-giant-freak-out! Everybody freak out! My loan money has not been posted to my account & it's the untimely and unfortunate circumstances surrounding the Berger Briggs Mafia & PNM & Qwest & my parents & upcoming health expenses that have made me... shit! my! pants! I don't think I've ever been this calm about things though - bad mood, sure, but very very calm. When it rains, it pours, and I did this to myself. I did. And that's why it really hurts. This leads me to the next thing...

2. I am now taking 12 hrs. instead of the slack-jawed Mr. Fantastico 9. And it didn't seem so bad until someone asked me what I was taking and I rambled off this list:

*The Art of Spain

*Pre-Columbian Art

*Museum Studies

*The History of Modern Medicine

Keep in mind that "The Art of Spain" was formerly called "The Art of Love" and also, "The Art of War." Ha. Only I think jokes like that are funny, only I. Anyway, when I list the classes, it seems as though I'm doing myself in with a lot of reading, and a lot of resent. Wee!

3. On the way into work/school/whatever this abomination of character has turned out to be - well, I walked past some dude that was shooting arrows across the street. He was an archer, I suppose. I don't know. Does anyone think this is odd? As I walked behind him (no way was I getting in the line of... shooting), he said, "Hey what's up" like a trucker. I said, "Hi!" like a 4 yr. old girl. Then all I could picture is what I would look like if he shot me in the ass with a poisoned arrow and I fell gracefully (pfff) to the ground. It would be glorious! It would be my finest hour! Why does that woman in the convenience store always smell irritatingly like gardenias? Glorious! Finest hour!

4. I tried Salmon Schmear, courteousy of Mandy Tophat at Einstein's. My finger and breath smelled like the bookstore's women's bathroom and on that note, I have disgusted myself and feel like I owe an explanation for my finger and my breath and the whatnot, but I have already started in on the gum! I swear!

And on that note, that's it for today, chums! And if you have any requests for that slow jam you've been waitin' to hear - well... there ain't nuthin wrong with a little bump n' grind.

2003-01-22 | 3:46 p.m.

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