What - did you think I would miss a recap of New Year's? This isn't a recap... sorry!

So, New Year's is here! I want pizza so so SO incredibly bad I can't stand it! I know the big i can concur - the chunk-o of pepperoni sounds like greasy, greasespot heaven right now & I'm guzzling down salty salty potato chips, thinking only of my one true love: the pepperoni cube by Red Baron. I love Red Baron. Red Baron is my ultimate and untimely savior - and you know who has been sneaking up on it? DiGiorno!

Well, last night was, indeed, party time - and I think that the only apology that needs to be sent out is to Colin, who shall now be referred to as .... well, I don't know - anyway, I'll think up something clever and we'll see how it goes - but to Mr. Colin - I'm sorry I started ranting about people last night. And that's it - because good lorrrddddd I can't believe how well-behaved I was!

On that note - 2003 shall be a good year, especially since 2002 was quite, quite not-so-good in the rumble-off. Let's just hope I find some cubed pepperoni... and pronto!

2003-01-01 | 12:28 p.m.

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