Three, three, three mints in one!

First of all, I am more than a little sick of people signing my guestbook without a real name, criticizing/complimenting things that they've read. Whosoever you might be, I track yo' shite from my diary stats -- so you know who you are, and I have a vague idea of who you are by your location. Ok, so I have no idea who you are, but at least get up some cojones to leave your real name.

Secondly, if fucking Friendster doesn't get their goddamn act together, I'm going to find the headquarters and personally get over this "maintenance" hoo-haa that has left me unable to check the now 8 messages that are just accumulating at this point.

Thirdly, I am going to another show tonight, and this one will most likely be populated with a shiteload of Brits as well. Hallelujah.

2005-05-20 | 1:30 p.m.

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