Snow, Snow, Go Away

I have a bone to pick with Madame Nature - namely, why the hell would it snow today, of all days!?! I have an interview at noon, and forget looking cute. We can just push that whole first-impression thing right out the window. Instead I have to look dumpy and retarded. And looking dumpy and retarded is not high on my list of priorities. Now... if I hadn't slipped and fell in the middle of 13th on Tuesday, I would probably wear my pointy-toe boots - snow be damned.
But I'll totally fall again. And probably seriously hurt myself - which, contrary to popular belief - I do not yet deserve.
Screw you, Mama Nature! You can take this snow and shove it!
(Also, my birthday is Sunday)

2005-03-11 | 8:17 a.m.

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