Asking the provocative questions since...

* First of all, I don't know why all of crank-tubbing, ass-faced bitch-infested Albuquerque has to drive 40 mph on the freeway, but why must the expedient creep up on your bumper do so with the highbeams? Why? Can't they just pass you? It's bad enough when you can't pass the slow ones, but when the tailgaters are blinding you - why even leave the house. Why!?!

* Why am I working at the bookstore? Why!?! WHYYYYY. Tomorrow this madness ends - I have no reason to do this to myself. I've lost time that could have been sketching, as well as engaging in fruitless labor (i.e. sewing).

* My laptop is inoperable. I blame all of Apple. I blame them for their careless and reckless production line in which the thing was assembled. Now, they are forgiven, because new sheisse is coming out. It's up to you to discover it for yourself.

* Whilst I've been peddling away at my meaningless temp job, I've been thinking about the way New Mexicans - specifically those young'uns attending UNM - dress. Poor shabby fellas - dressed to what was the 9s in 1991 with their Ralph Lauren button-downs and perfectly pressed chinos. People are also wearing the shit out of Doc Martens - and why? Haven't we all left this behind? The girls are wearing hipslung jeans with some stupid Delias-bought, punk-inspired belt and a plain scoopneck skinny tee, uggs on feet, hair highlighted beyond recognition. Long story short - NM is BO-RING. I'd been out of the "college scene" for over a year - meaning, I hadn't seen it in action for a while - but oh my. Oh my, everyone is dressed like everybody else and so help me God - this is mass chaos for a self-described fashion addict and fashion school attendee. I'd also forgotten what a heinous mess of acne your freshmen year is, as well as fettered with insecurity. I'm ready to go back to NYC - these people are so young, and if one more squeaky-voiced balls-barely-dropped moron hits on me, I'm going to have to shove some sort of Adobe software up his ass.

It will be hard for him to send in his Photoshop registration...

2005-01-11 | 8:09 p.m.

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50s people